By this point, virtually all of you know who Joe Bob Briggs (aka John Bloom), is, thanks to Shudder's The Last Drive-In...
...But before Briggs and his intelligent, often controversial takes on horror movies were gracefully resurrected by the good people at Shudder, Joe Bob Briggs was a 90s icon with his show MonsterVision, which ran from 1993-2000 on TNT, and helped developed many a young horror fan whose parents wouldn't let them rent certain horror flicks, and had to catch them on Joe Bob's show. Including me.
Well, yesterday, Joe Bob took to Twitter to tease the fact that we could be getting MonsterVision collected on Blu-ray for the first time soon!
Briggs posted the following tweet below, in which he mentions that any MonsterVision box sets you see out there are bootlegs, and that something "official" will be coming soon. Now, that could mean a box set. It could mean Shudder will be releasing every season of MonsterVision on the streaming service. We don't know.
But unless Briggs is yanking our chain, it sounds like the Mutant Fam will be able to relive MonsterVision in glorious hi-def for the first time, and for some, it will be a first time experience all around, if you know what I mean, and I think you do. P.S. Mutant Fam for life!
By Matt Konopka
1 Comment
March 2023